Fred McMahon
Vice-President of Research, International
Fraser Institute, Canada
Vice-President of Research, International
Fraser Institute, Canada
Fred McMahon is Vice-President of Research, International, at the Fraser Institute, Canada. International research includes the Global Centres for Resource Studies. The centres publish the annual Global Petroleum Survey and the Fraser Institute’s Survey of Mining Companies among other studies. The centres are dedicated to researching and communicating fact-based information on resource industries.
The Institute’s international branch is responsible for The Economic Freedom of the World: Annual Report and coordinates the Economic Freedom Network of independent think tanks in 80 nations and territories. McMahon is the co-author, with Salem Al Ismaily and Amela Karabegović of the Economic Freedom of the Arab World Report. He is also co-author of the Economic Freedom of North America: Annual Report.
He has authored several books including, Looking the Gift Horse in the Mouth: The Impact of Federal Transfers on Atlantic Canada, which won the Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award for public policy books.
Publications he has written for include the European Journal of Political Economy, the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Journal at Georgetown University, The Wall Street Journal, Policy Options, National Post, Time (Canada), Globe and Mail, and the Ottawa Citizen, among many others.
Major Uses: domestic consumption, transportation, building, electrical
Import Dependency for U.S.: 38%
Major Importers: Canada, Russia, China, Mexico
Major Uses: construction, transportation (predominantly automotive), cans and containers
Import Dependency for U.S.: 7%
Major Importers: Canada, European Union, China, Mexico
Major Uses: aircraft gas turbine engines, cemented carbides for cutting, wear-resistant applications
Import Dependency for U.S.: 81%
Major Importers: Norway, Russia, China, Canada
Major Uses: building construction, electric and electronic products, and transportation equipment
Import Dependency for U.S.: 30%
Major Importers: Chile, Canada, Peru, Mexico
Major Uses: catalysts to decrease harmful emissions in light- and heavy-duty vehicles, also used in chemical and petroleum refining sector, and fabrication of laboratory equipment
Import Dependency for U.S.: 94%
Major Importers: South Africa, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada
Major Uses: coins and medals, industrial applications, jewelry and silverware, and photography
Import Dependency for U.S.: 65%
Major Importers: Mexico, Canada, Peru, Chile
Major Uses: automotive electronics, pagers, personal computers, and portable telephones
Import Dependency for U.S.: 100%
Major Importers: Australia, China, Kazakhstan, Germany
Major Uses: petroleum-reforming catalysts, superalloys used in turbine engine components
Import Dependency for U.S.: 86%
Major Importers: Chile, Netherlands
Major Uses: catalysts to decrease harmful emissions in light- and heavy-duty vehicles, also used in chemical and petroleum refining sector, and fabrication of laboratory equipment
Import Dependency for U.S.: 94%
Major Importers: South Africa, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada
Major Uses: Jewelry and arts, electrical and electronics, dental and other
Import Dependency for U.S.: 33%
Major Importers: Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile