American Resources Policy Network
Promoting the development of American mineral resources.
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Ned Mamula Joins American Resources Panel of Issue Experts

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Ned Mamula, a senior geoscientist with over 30 years of experience in energy and mineral research and resource policy issues, has joined the ARPN Panel of Issue Experts.

Currently a scholar with the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, Mr. Mamula has spearheaded resource development investigations during his previous employment with leading scientific and intelligence agencies including the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Energy, and Central Intelligence Agency.

Over the course of his career, Dr. Mamula has briefed key members of Congress, the executive branch, and various corporate officers. His writings have appeared in numerous scientific journals, and also with the Cato Institute, R Street Institute, Forbes, American Spectator, Real Clear Policy, and U.S. News and World Report. His presentation on America’s need for critical minerals was broadcast live on C-SPAN.

Dr. Mamula served on the Trump Transition Team as an advisor and subject matter expert for the Department of the Interior on geoscience issues including energy, minerals, and federal lands. He received his M.S. in economic geology from Penn State University, Ph.D. in petroleum geology and geophysics from Texas A&M University, and Masters in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies.

Recently, at the Cato Institute, and other Washington think tanks, he has written and spoken extensively on resource policy, mining, critical and strategic minerals demand, international supply chain vulnerabilities, and the geopolitics of energy and mineral policy. We recently featured his latest piece for The Hill, in which he and his colleague William Murray called for a turnaround in our nation’s ill-advised resource policies which “have contributed to our current addiction to imported minerals.”

He has been Cato’s principal presenter of geoscience Policy Forums and Capitol Hill Briefings on energy and mineral resource issues, exploration and production technology advances, and the role of federal regulations in resource development.

If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Mamula’s current work, look no further than his four installments on “Strategic Minerals” published by the Capital Research Center.

In this series of posts, Dr. Mamula aptly outlines how decades of “poor stewardship on the part of the federal government” and “severe restrictions imposed at the behest of the environmentalist movement” have effectively put the United States at the mercy of China and other nations to meet our non-fuel mineral resource needs. He analyzes the underlying reasons and provides options for a path forward.

All four installments of Dr. Mamula’s “Strategic Minerals” series can be accessed here:

