Investment Intelligence Site Head Assumes Expanded Role Within ARPN
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The American Resources Policy Network has announced that Tracy Weslosky, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief for InvestorIntel, a global investment source for the resource, energy and technology sectors, and a member of the American Resources Policy Network panel of experts, will expand her role at the organization to serve as Advisor on Advanced Materials.
Founder and CEO for ProEdge, an online publisher and media production company since 2001, which owns InvestorIntel, Weslosky is also the Managing Director of REE Stocks Company Ltd. (REE Stocks). Weslosky is an authority in the resource, oil and gas, energy, technology and entertainment industry sectors. Her more-than-twenty years of experience encompass owning her own boutique investment banking and investor relations firm, as well as numerous speaking engagements and publications in the rare earths and critical materials sector, including the renowned REE Handbook – the ultimate guide on rare earths.
Says American Resources Principal Daniel McGroarty: “We’re thrilled to have Tracy expand her role at ARPN to advise us on advanced materials. With the global race for resources in full swing, the importance of this broad and fast-evolving field cannot be stressed enough, and Tracy undoubtedly has her finger on the pulse here.”
He adds: “Tracy’s vast experience in the sector will be an asset to furthering the American Resources Policy Network’s mission to promote the exploration and development of the vast mineral resources we’re fortunate to have beneath our soil, and I look forward to collaborating with her.”
To learn more about the American Resources team and our panelists, please visit our experts page.