If you’re looking for a good reason why the United States needs to develop its own mineral resources, especially rare earths, Nebraska University geologist Matt Joeckel hits the nail on the head:
We could go without this stuff if we cared to go back to maybe a 1940s level of technology.
Joeckel, who also works for Nebraska’s Conservation and Survey Division, spoke to the Journal Star about promising current efforts to reopen a prospecting site for rare earths near Elk Creek in south-eastern Nebraska on behalf of Canada-based Quantum Rare Earth Development.
Given that U.S. manufacturers rely heavily on the use of rare earth elements to produce items ranging from household gadgets to high-tech weaponry, it is crucial that U.S. policymakers embrace such efforts, working to improve domestic production of REEs and other natural resources.
Failing to do so will most certainly beg the question: Are you ready to party like it’s 1940?