American Resources Policy Network
Promoting the development of American mineral resources.
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  • HOMEPAGE >> BLOG >> “Measuring Greenness:” A New Metric Takes the Measure of the Metals that Drive the Green Transition

“Measuring Greenness:” A New Metric Takes the Measure of the Metals that Drive the Green Transition

ARPN followers well understand that a host of metals and minerals are key to the green-tech transition – rare earths like neodymium and mainstay metals like copper for wind turbines, Copper-Indium-Gallium-Selenium for the CIGS solar panel technology. The list is long. Yet all too often, Green advocates take a reflexively oppositional stance towards all-things-mining.

ARPN will continue the tireless task of applying information to correct this conceptual contradiction. Meanwhile, we are pleased to point to a new Greenness Metric, developed by Dr. Steve Hanke, of Johns Hopkins, the Cato Institute and advisor to the Advanced Metallurgical Group (AMG), and AMG CEO Dr. Heinz Schimmelbusch.

It’s a strong step towards crediting production of the metals and minerals for their role in the Green transition. Here’s hoping it’s a metric others will adopt.

