It’s time the United States overhaul its outdated and rigid permitting process and begin harnessing our vast rare earths potential while promoting economic and job growth – that’s not just something the American Resources Policy Network has been advocating for quite some time, it is also the finding of a new study released by our friends at the National Center for Policy Analysis.
In his report titled “Rare Earths Mining Potential in the United States,” Tom Danton examines opportunities associated with domestic rare earths exploration and development while outlining the challenges which currently make the U.S. “one of the least desirable countries in which to begin a new mining project,” including state permitting and other regulatory hurdles and environmental and safety concerns.
Danton concludes:
“Developing America’s natural resources would provide both economic and security benefits, but unnecessary regulatory and political barriers currently hamper the process. State economies and budgets would also benefit from expanded mineral development, which would in turn improve national trade deficits and energy security.
America should model Australia’s and Canada’s successful regulations, and dramatically shorten domestic permitting time. The federal government should consider a trade mission to both countries to discover how they permit mines in one-fourth the time it takes in the United States, while meeting similar worker safety and environmental protection goals.”
To read the full report, which also includes a number of insightful charts and graphs, click here.