“Cancelled.” It’s a word we’ve become all to familiar with in recent week. Sports. Concerts. Conferences. As a consequence of the current Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen a slew of festival cancellations in recent weeks. Thankfully, 21st Century technology (powered by critical metals and minerals) has made it possible to shift over to virtual get-togethers, and we’re now watching virtual sports tournaments, living room concerts, and are attending virtual conferences.
Our friends at Benchmark Mineral Intelligence have also decided to step in and have put together the virtual “EV Supply Chain Festival 2020” — a “four day extravaganza of online presentations and seminars” revolving around one of the key issues in the critical minerals world these days.
EV Supply Chain Festival 2020 kicks off tomorrow — Tuesday, May 26th — at 8am London time. If you’re in the U.S. and feel that is too early for you, fear not. The event features more than 25 online seminars and conferences catering to participants in all time zones, “from Australia through to West Coast USA.”
Says Simon Moores, Benchmark’s Managing Director:
“Isolation may be a necessity at this time but that will not stop the momentum of the EV supply chain. (…)
The world may feel like it has stopped, but our industry is a 21st century foundation stone. Getting as many people listening to these stories and sparking conversation between the industry’s most influential actors is the only way we continue to push on.”
The event is free-to-view, but you have to register here, and viewing space may be limited.
Check out the lineup for the 4-day event here.
And if you need a refresher on why it is critical that we focus on the EV supply chain — and more broadly, the critical minerals supply chain — scroll back through our recent posts on the ARPN blog.